This is a super fancy art installation at our super fancy hotel at the reading conference I went to with some teacher friends this weekend.
It seems kind of fragile.
I love going to conferences because at this point in the year, the love I have for my job has become a little fragile. The joy is harder to hang on to. My patience wears thin sooner than it did last fall. My smile feels a little bit stuck on sometimes. My first graders are as cute as ever, so it's not their fault at all. I just need a little re-charge.
Then, I go to a conference and share, collaborate, and learn. I talk to grown-ups. We discuss, we vent, we brainstorm, we laugh, we even cry. It's great. And now I'm all excited about my job again- I have so much more to teach my kids and only a couple more months to get it all done!
To see some more "fragile," check in with Theresa here.